


The word “yoga” means union, which can be used in a variety of ways: uniting breath with movement, uniting our minds with our bodies, uniting our hearts with one another or the Divine. We often lack this experience of “union” in a world filled with chaos and discord.

Yoga is not just a physical practice, it is a mental, spiritual, and emotional practice. It can be a beautiful way to heal from stress and anxiety, cultivate a meditation or prayer practice, and nurture the whole person. In my teaching, I hope to provide a space and an experience for you to slow down from the chaos of life and reconnect with that which is most important to you.

I am a registered yoga teacher (RYT-200) with Yoga Alliance. I completed my training through Yahweh Yoga in Chandler, AZ. I teach vinyasa, hatha, prayer/meditation-infused, and restorative style classes.


  • Private instruction for individuals and groups

  • Instruction for events, gatherings, and retreats

  • Studio instruction

*Please contact me at for pricing and details.